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Self-Portraiture September 2022

THE LOVERS AND THE DEVIL I, Medium Format Film, Chicago, IL, USA, September 2022


THE LOVERS AND THE DEVIL II, Medium Format Film, Chicago, IL, USA, September 2022


These images were shot during a cold and lonely period of my life. The title of this series is based off of Tarot cards. When the consultant pulls the Lovers and the Devil together, this can mean they need to love themselves first before they enter a relationship or a new chapter of their lives. When I shot these self-portraits, I had the film, Vertigo (1958) directed by Alfred Hitchcock, in the back of my mind. In one of the shots, one of the characters, Madeline, has a green light fixed on her. This light gave her a sinister aura. The green color expresses danger and toxicity. I felt like a character in a horror film when I took these photos. I wanted to create a suspensful and dramatic image. I love using cinematic elements in my photography. It is no longer a picture of me, instead it is a portrait of a different character and person. 

THE LOVERS AND THE DEVIL III, Medium Format Film, Chicago, IL, USA  September 2022

THE LOVERS AND THE DEVIL IV, Medium Format Film, Chicago, IL, USA, September 2022

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